5 Ways to start your morning of better
The morning of a day, has a lot of influence on the rest of the day. If the morning starts badly, you are directly no longer so motivated for the rest of the day. You have the feeling, you will drag along this "bad luck" the whole day. If you have a hectic morning, you are most of the day more stressed then. Having a perfect, relaxed morning is not possible for me during the week. I have to get up at 6 a.m. to have half an hour to get completely ready before I have to leave the house. However, I have found a couple of things that are now part of the fixed morning routine for me. And if they are not done, I have a stress and inner turmoil in me throughout the day until I am back home. The important thing is not to take on too much, so that you can't actually do it anyway and then you're just disappointed. And you already wake up stressed because you know you have to do so much stuff before you leave the house.
So I am sharing some things which help me have a good morning and then also day:
Listening to music! I couldn't live without music. Music is life for me. I need it to be happy. So I wake up, put my headphones in or connecting my phone to my music box. Then I sing and dance a little, while I get ready.
Do my bed! This is the most important thing for me in the morning. I can't leave the house without having my bed done. I doesn't help either when someone else does it for me. I have to do it completely on my own.
Having my bag already prepared the night before! This helps me a lot just knowing that everything I need is already in my bag.
Having already prepared an outfit the night before! Same with my clothes. I like to prepare a possible outfit for the next day. If I want to wear something else in the morning, I'll pick out somehting else but then I already have an outfit, just in case I need it.
Having cleaned up my room the night before! I think everyone is a bit different, but I have to have my room clean and organized. It really stresses me out, when I know I have a chaos. I also automatically have problems falling asleep at night, when I know my room is messy. And then knowing I have to clean it up in the morning, before I leave.
Take a shower! Taking a shower in the morning gives me a lot of energy and directly a fresh, awake and clean feeling. Taking a cold shower is also very healthy. It boosts the circulation and makes you more alert.
Drink a glass of water with lemon! Drinking is very important and healthy. There are many studies which have found out a lot of benefits, if you drink a glass of water with lemon in the morning directly without food.
Eat something healthy for breakfast! Again, many studies have shown that it is healthy to eat something for breakfast. This can be a porridge or even vegetables or fruit.
( I would love to move a bit in the morning, but I really don't have the time!)
Do my skincare! That makes me feel clean and energized and it is also good for my skin. (If you have the right products)
Getting ready! Getting ready for me doesn't just mean getting ready. Like putting on the clothes, I just found in my room no. It means that I am confident with the outfit I am wearing. Doing a little bit of make up is also a part of getting ready for me. So that I feel confident leaving the house, with the way I look.
Looking at my Agenda! It calms me down and then I know, what I have planned for this day. Like this I have an overview over my day and I reduce the possibility to forget something. I know if I have any appointments.
I think it's important to say, that everyone has hectic mornings. And bad days. These points I shared are just some inspiration. I have anxiety, OCD and ADHD. So I have to give myself a little bit of structure. And sometimes one or more of the diseases prevent to have a structured morning. I then I walk out of the house forgetting stuff at home, being stressed and having the feeling, that this will be such a bad day.
That's completely normal, but somettimes, I have to remind myself as well.